Gas Surface Interactions Lab

New journal article!

New journal article!

A new journal article was recently published in the AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer:

Thermomechanical analysis of ablative materials is of great importance to the design of thermal-protection systems. A finite volume method for coupling the mechanical and thermal response models for ablation problems is proposed. This method is capable of simulating both transient and static thermomechanical responses. The solver is verified against analytic solutions and through code-to-code comparisons. It is then fully coupled to a state-of-the-art material response code. Coupled results show that high temperature gradients have significant effects on the mechanical performance and stress generation. The magnitude and the location of the stress concentration can play a significant role in structural integrity, and may lead to crack formation as well as spallation.

[1] Fu, R., Weng, H., Wenk, J. F., and Martin, A., “Thermo-mechanical coupling for charring ablators,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2017. doi: 10.2514/1.T5194.