August 5, 2017
New paper in the Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer
A new paper is available:
Martin, A., Zhang, H., and Tagavi, K. A., “An introduction to a systematic derivation of surface balance equations without the excruciating pain,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 115, Part A, December 2017, pp. 992–999.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.07.078
Analyzing complex fluid flow problems that involve multiple coupled domains, each with their respective set of governing equations, is not a trivial undertaking. Even more complicated is the elaborate and tedious task of specifying the interface and boundary conditions between various domains. This paper provides an elegant, straightforward and universal method that considers the nature of those shared boundaries and derives the appropriate conditions at the interface, irrespective of the governing equations being solved. As a first example, a well-known interface condition is derived using this method. For a second example, the set of boundary conditions necessary to solve a baseline aerothermodynamics coupled plain/porous flow problem is derived. Finally, the method is applied to two more flow configurations, one consisting of an impermeable adiabatic wall and the other an ablating surface.