Gas Surface Interactions Lab

New journal article!

New journal article!

A new journal article was recently published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer:

Material properties and oxidation behavior of low-density felts used as substrates for conformal carbon/ phenolic ablators were compared with those of a rigid carbon fiber preform used to manufacture heritage lightweight ablators. Synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography measurements were performed to character- ize the materials’ microstructure at the scale of the fibers. Using the tomography voxels as computational grids, tortuosity in the continuum regime, and room temperature conductivity were computed. Micro- scale simulations of the oxidation of carbon fibers were carried out using a random walk model for oxy- gen diffusion and a sticking probability law to model surface reactions. The study shows that, due to a higher porosity and lower connectivity, the felt materials have lower thermal conductivity but a faster recession rate than that of the rigid preform. Challenges associated with computations based on micro-tomography are also discussed.

[1] Panerai, F., Ferguson, J. C., Lachaud, J. R., Martin, A., Gasch, M. J., and Mansour, N. N., “Analysis of rigid and flexible substrates for lightweight ablators based on X-ray micro-tomography,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 108, Part A, May 2017, pp. 801–811.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2016.12.048