Gas Surface Interactions Lab

New paper in CEAS Space Journal!

New paper in CEAS Space Journal!

A new paper has been published (online) in the CEAS Space Journal:

The spallation phenomenon was studied through numerical analysis using a coupled Lagrangian particle tracking code and a hypersonic aerothermodynamics com- putational fluid dynamics solver. The results show that car- bon emission from spalled particles results in a significant modification of the gas composition of the post-shock layer. Results from a test campaign at the NASA Langley HYM- ETS facility are presented. Using an automated image pro- cessing of short exposure images, two-dimensional velocity vectors of the spalled particles were calculated. In a 30-s test at 100 W/cm2 of cold-wall heat flux, more than 722 particles were detected, with an average velocity of 110 m/s.

Martin, A., Bailey, S. C. C., Panerai, F., Davuluri, R. S. C., Vazsonyi, A. R., Zhang, H., Lippay, Z. S., Mansour, N. N., Inman, J. A., Bathel, B. F., Splinter, S. C., and Danehy, P. M., “Numerical and experimental analysis of spallation phenomena,” CEAS Space Journal, Vol. 8, No. 3, September 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/s12567-016-0118-4